Invasive Plant Control Equipment Loan Program


Having the right equipment for a job can dramatically help the efficiency and success of any project. In addition, proper equipment can make a work day more fun and less strenuous for volunteers. Unfortunately, much of the equipment used in invasive plant control is expensive and many groups or private landowners may not have the funds available to purchase these tools.

In response to this problem, the River to River Cooperative Weed Management Area is compiling a bank of equipment used in invasive plant control activities. These tools will be available for loan to anyone living within the CWMA area or any conservation organization, Friends group, land management agency wanted to host a volunteer work day. The equipment bank is still being compiled and ever evolving so please contact us for details about the types and availability of our equipment.

For more information about the equipment loan program please contact: 

Karla Gage
8588 Route 148
Marion, IL 62959