Educational Resources

2017 IFDC Herbicide Considerations

2017 IFDC Invasive Species Ecology and Identification

2017 IFDC Regulations

2017 IFDC Reporting Invasives

2017 IFDC Strategy and Technique

2017 Corktree Fact Sheet

2017 Privet Fact Sheet

2016 WPF Control Strategies and Techniques

2016 WPF Herbicide Considerations

2016 WPF Invasive Plant Regulations

2016 WPF Invasive Species Ecology and Identification

2016 WPF Reporting Invasive Species

Management of Invasive Plants of Southern Illinois

Fact Sheet: Ecology and Control of Japanese Chaff Flower

Field Guide to the Identification of Japanese Stiltgrass

Invasive Species Best Management Practices, USFS

Invasive Plants of Southern Illinois (pdf)

Native Plant Landscaping

Speaker Opportunity – Invasive Plants in Southern Illinois

Aquatic Invasive Plant Identification Guide (pdf)

Common Invasive Plants in Southern Illinois (pdf)

Invasives! What Now? (article courtesy of Outdoor Illinois) (pdf)


Invasive Plant Identification Sheets

Japanese Chaff Flower – Achyranthes japonica (pdf) article courtesy of Wildland Weeds

Kudzu - Pueraria montana (pdf)

Japanese Stiltgrass - Microstegium vimineum (pdf)

Chinese Yam - Dioscorea oppositifolia (pdf)

Garlic Mustard - Alliara petiolata (pdf)

Oriental Bittersweet - Celastrus orbiculatus (pdf)


Exotic, Invasive Plants in Illinois Habitats - PDF Posters:

AQUATIC AREAS: Wetlands, Lakes, Streams, Rivers, Marshes...

WOODLAND : Forests, Timbers, Thickets, Groves, Windbreaks...

AGRICULTURE: Gardens, Row Crops, Orchards, Nurseries...

GRASSLANDS: Prairies, Roadsides, Fencelines, Right-of-ways...


Species Alerts:

Japanese Stiltgrass Alert (pdf)

Japanese Chaff Flower (pdf)

Japanese Hops (pdf)

Chinese Yam (pdf)